What We Make Possible

Our Impact  |  Student Stories  |  Alum Stories

Serving immigrants and first-generation Americans who are vital to the economy and social fabric of our communities, Upward Scholars is the only nonprofit in the Bay Area that offers financial and one-on-one academic support so adult scholars can achieve their educational goals and advance their careers. As a result of our work, students continue their education, get higher paying jobs, and serve as role models and advocates for their children and our community. Read about our students here and our alums here

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Upward Scholars helps students move up the economic ladder.

Some students move from low-wage occupations into middle-wage occupations that pay between $18 and $30 per hour. Others start their own businesses or earn certificates in areas such as medical assisting or bookkeeping. A few earn associate degrees and transfer to four-year universities.

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Upward Scholars students are better parents.

By attending college and becoming proficient in English, Upward Scholars students are able to help their children with homework, communicate with their children's teachers, and instill in their children the value of education.

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Upward Scholars student success leads to success for everyone in our community.

Educating low-income adults is an investment in the human capital of our region and generates net gains in the form of increased tax revenues, lower social welfare payments, and greater civic engagement.



Number of students served by Upward Scholars since 2011: 825


Number of students served by Upward Scholars in 2019: 385



Percent of Upward Scholars ESL students who say they have more self-confidence since starting college: 100%


Percent of returning Upward Scholars ESL students who report earning more money since starting college: 61%



Percent of returning Upward Scholars ESL students who say they help their children more with their homework since starting college: 96%


Percent of students who say Upward Scholars makes them feel more confident about the future: 59%



Number of hours Upward Scholars tutors volunteered in 2019: 3,000+


With your support, we can make an even bigger impact. Visit our Donate page to learn more.